Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Specialist

INVO Pain Medicine Group -  - Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine

INVO Pain Medicine Group

Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine & Med Spa located in Midtown, New York, NY

Carpal tunnel syndrome can cause severe pain in your hand, wrist, and arm, and it doesn’t usually go away without medical intervention. At INVO Pain Medicine Group in New York City, Nilufer Guleyupoglu, MD — a leading physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist in Midtown, Manhattan — and her team treat the symptoms and the underlying cause of your carpal tunnel syndrome so you get long-term pain relief. If you want to avoid surgery, INVO Pain Medicine Group offers effective nonsurgical treatments. Call to schedule a consultation or use the online booking tool.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrom Q & A

What is carpal tunnel syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common condition that involves the entrapment of the nerve that extends from your upper arm through your wrist. When this median nerve becomes squeezed or compressed, you experience pain, numbness, or tingling in your hand and arm.

The medical community once believed that overuse caused carpal tunnel syndrome, but today, doctors understand that while repetitive motion or injury aggravates symptoms, it’s most likely the result of a narrow carpal tunnel — the passageway through which the median nerve runs. Sometimes, irritated tendons or swelling causes the nerve to become compressed.

What are the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome?

The most common symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include:

  • Burning pain in your thumb, index, and middle fingers
  • Weakness or difficulty using your hand and fingers
  • Clumsiness holding objects
  • Problems feeling hot or cold sensations
  • Shock-like pain that periodically travels through your arm and hand
  • Pain and tingling in your hand and arm

Carpal tunnel syndrome doesn’t usually go away on its own, but gets worse if you don’t treat it.

How do you treat carpal tunnel syndrome?

If you have a mild case of carpal tunnel syndrome, you may get relief wearing a splint or brace for support. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen can help relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Additionally, you may need to take a break from repetitive motions or activities that make your carpal tunnel symptoms worse, such as typing or a leisure activity that involves using your wrist.

Some people get relief from symptoms through physical therapies and stretching exercises that relieve pressure on the carpal tunnel. When nonsurgical methods don’t help, you might need carpal tunnel release surgery to relieve the pressure on your median nerve — usually as a last resort. The INVO Pain Medicine Group team prefers to treat carpal tunnel syndrome nonsurgically whenever possible, so they often prescribe fluoroscopic injections — a minimally invasive procedure in which they inject medications into your wrist to relieve pain.

During a fluoroscopic injection, the team uses guided X-ray imaging to see inside your wrist to deliver a powerful corticosteroid (anti-inflammatory) medication into the carpal tunnel. INVO Pain Medicine Group performs this procedure in the office and you can go home afterward.

If you suffer from the painful symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, call the INVO Pain Medicine Group office to book an appointment or request the next available time using the convenient online scheduler.