Tennis Elbow Specialist

INVO Pain Medicine Group -  - Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine

INVO Pain Medicine Group

Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine & Med Spa located in Midtown, New York, NY

Even if you don’t play tennis, you can still experience the painful symptoms of tennis elbow — known medically as lateral epicondylitis. Nilufer Guleyupoglu, MD, is an experienced physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist at INVO Pain Medicine Group in New York City. At her Midtown, Manhattan, office, Dr. Guleyupoglu and her team diagnose and treat the symptoms and underlying causes of tennis elbow so you can get long-lasting pain relief without surgery. Learn about treatment options by calling the office or scheduling an appointment online today.

Tennis Elbow Q & A

What is tennis elbow?

Tennis elbow is a painful condition that affects the tendons in your elbow. When your tendons get overloaded as a result of repetitive motion — not just from playing tennis — they become inflamed and you feel intense pain around the outside of your elbow. If you have a job that requires you to use your wrist and arm in the same manner, over and over again, it often leads to tennis elbow.

Professional painters, plumbers, builders, and butchers are some of the people who are susceptible to tennis elbow as a result of their daily job duties.

What are the symptoms of tennis elbow?

If you have tennis elbow, you typically experience pain on the outside of your elbow. You may also feel it radiating down your forearm and wrist. People with tennis elbow often find it difficult to:

  • Grip an object without pain
  • Hold a coffee mug
  • Shake hands
  • Turn a doorknob

Left untreated, your arm may progressively become weaker and you may experience severe pain to the point that you’re unable to perform your daily activities with ease.

What treatments are available for tennis elbow?

Nonsurgical treatments at INVO Pain Medicine Group are a good way to treat the painful symptoms of tennis elbow. At first, you can rest your arm, ice the tendons to reduce inflammation, and take over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen. The team may also prescribe physical exercises to alleviate pain and bracing so you can better support the injured tendons.

If you don’t get relief from pain from these therapies, INVO Pain Medicine Group may also recommend steroid injections. They perform these fluoroscopic injections in their office using in-house X-ray imaging technology that allows them to see into your arm to direct the medication into a specific area. Ultrasound-guided imaging for injections is essential for delivering pain relief precisely where it needs to go, and it also helps avoid injury to nerves or the surrounding tissue.

They might also suggest regenerative medicine in the form of platelet-rich plasma injections to help relieve pain.

If your profession or leisure activities have led to the painful symptoms of tennis elbow, INVO Pain Medicine Group can provide relief. They customize your treatment plan based on your individual symptoms and lifestyle, so you get long-term relief and you can resume your daily activities without too much interruption.

Call the Midtown, Manhattan, office to schedule a consultation or use the online booking tool to get help today.